The one girl – not fragments, but many things!

Each one of us has his or her own reasons to travel. I know lots of determined women who decided to start their “journey around the world” after some kind of rupture in their lives. I´ve always been interested in traveling since I was just a little girl growing up in Rio de Janeiro west zone. I used to think that to live like this, I mean, being able to travel, was a kind of utopia. But one day, somebody I cared a lot opened my eyes! She gave me all the support I needed to find out that visiting other places was a very feasible dream.

Whenever I travel, it is not just about disconnection… It is quite the opposite! It means to me to establish connections to what I really want to live. In that moment, I just want to put my sneakers on and to take in the sights. I want to “play the turist” and go through those “imperative routes” wherever I am. I want to be the girl who knows something special about that place and want to go for it, just because she knows she is able to.
Whenever I travel, I am “that one girl”. The one who puts the calculator aside for some days and stops calculating the monthly budget. The one that for a moment stops organizing the schedule and to show up for her weekly commitments. The one that stops reading the news for a while, stops being angry at politics and going to street protests (running the risk to be hit by the police!).
Is there any reason why I could not be that one girl? The girl who has a critical thinking, but for a second in the infinite of time, decides not to complain and just contemplate… Not at all! Somehow, in that moment she is disconnected of her reality. But, in the time she comes back to her routine, she will be stronger to go on. She will fight for a change, in a way that the days will be better and nothing will be like before.
She is not like fragments. This “one girl” is a lot of things!
She is not like fragments. This one girl is a lot of things. Among them, she is the one that for one moment put back everything she heard since she was a kid and showed – at first to herself – that she wouldn´t need necessarily follow the flock. There are many other ways to be complete. Who´s said that everything has to happen in unique ways? Who would say that one of my biggest faults – stubbornness – could make me grow a bit more everyday? This is a paradox, for sure, but so true!
I am still the woman who fights about the lack of dignity at work for public servants, who goes to the assemblies and exposes her opinions, who takes care that her life be organized and comfortable, who puts her efforts to make her family happy (although, being human, commits some human mistakes in this point!) , who has a steadfast faith in God and trusts that He keeps her going…But not for a single moment she gives up being “that one girl”.